"From the Western-Centric to a Post-Western World: In Search of an Emerging Global Order in the 21st Century" International Conference 「從西方中心到後西方世界:21世紀新興全球秩序之探索」國際研討會
After the rise of Asia in the 21st century, Western liberalism and representative democracy now face a challenge, and Taiwan encounters both difficulties as well as opportunities in the drastically changed global political-economic situation. In order to delve deeper into these issues, the Taiwan Research Foundation and the Fair Winds Foundation co-organize on 2 and 3 June 2018 an international conference titled, "From the Western-Centric to a Post-Western World: In Search of an Emerging Global Order in the 21st Century". From all over the world, we have invited the top scholars on this subject to come to Taiwan and engage in an intense dialogue that will bring out knowledge of the highest level.
為探討21世紀亞洲崛起後,西方自由主義與代議民主制度所面臨之挑戰,以及臺灣在全球政經情勢劇變中的處境與機會,台灣研究基金會與長風文教基金會謹訂於2018年6月2日至3日共同主辦「從西方中心到後西方世界:21世紀新興全球秩序之探索」國際研討會(From the Western-Centric to a Post-Western World: In Search of an Emerging Global Order in the 21st Century),邀請全球頂尖學者來台對話,以激盪出智慧之火花。
時間:2018年6月2日-3日 09:00 - 18:00
Time:June 2-3 09:00am - 06:00pm
Venue:National Central Library International Conference Hall(No. 20, Zhongshan S. Rd., Zhongzheng District, Taipei City)
聯絡電話:台灣研究基金會 (02)2547-5686,長風文教基金會 (02)2752-1700
Contact email:info@fairwindsfoundation.org
Co-Organized by
Taiwan Research Foundation
Fair Winds Foundation
East Asia Institute, National University of Singapore
Center for East Asia Democratic Studies, National Taiwan University
Fairbank Center, Harvard University
IDEAS, London School of Economics
Sponsored by
National Central Library
Vision Project, United Daily News Group
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